Thursday, 27 October 2016

Quick think tank: Not everyone has to like you. Accept it!


In my hopes of becoming more "in-tune" with myself this year I had decided that I was NOT going to apologize for being myself. I wasn't going to fall into line to make others like me and I was definitely not going to people please this year. I quickly came to notice that in turn I was going to have to swallow the fact the I wasn't everyone's cup of tea and then - get over it
You see my life as silly and crazy as it sounds had always been about slaving to the wants, needs and appreciations of others. Stupid right? Too flawed, too christian, too brown, too smart, too Maori, too islander, too outspoken, too mediocre. So how did I pull away from those labels? I ignored them and suffocated them by being someone I wasn't! Completely . CAT-FISH. (No Im serious) 
I watched how my flaws became my obsession because society didn't accept them. Soon I forgot who I was because I was so consumed by the approval of others that when I had fallen exhausted by trying to be liked so much, I couldn't remember who the hell I was anymore! Which brought me here. I promise you I have never been challenged the way I have about anything, before I made the decision to give myself a chance. To really find some kind of authenticity in the "Real Me". (Cliche, I know) 

On this side of the track I've know when people aren't my biggest fans. But I do know that I still have their respect. That's the lesson though. Not everyone's going to enjoy you, Your not going to make everyone laugh, your not someone they want to be around again, or all the time. But as long as your respectful and most importantly yourself then they treat you well . AND  IF THEY DONT : they probably aren't worth the time it took you to read this. You don't need to be everybody's friend, you don't need to have everyone else' opinion. You just need to be comfortable with being you.  Take sometime to work yourself out, take sometime to realize that nobody's opinion about you, matters but your own.

I have flaws/but I am perfect. I am Christian/ and I am saved. I am Brown/ and I am proud. I am smart / I am educated. I am Maori/ I am Islander. I am outspoken / because Im passionate. I am NOT mediocre.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful bud ! I think we're friends! Lol xx #wellsaid
